Rise of the Robots!
Posted December 05 2014
Friday Feb 8th-Sun Mar 3. Opening reception Friday, February 8, 6-9pm.
Face it, humans are enamored with robots. Even if you’re not obsessed with bots-mech-AI, you have not escaped their ubiquity. Robots are part of daily existence for many, and almost everyone knows an anthropomorphized intelligent machine. Whether it was Voltron, Gort, skin-job or your vacuum, we’ve all spent some time with them. The show includes well known mech and folk artists from the valley, comic book artists from New England and mech-lovin’ artists across the country and in Japan. Get your nerd on and argue mech minutia or fall in love with a friendly hunk of metal.
Toby Barnes, David A White, Rick Beaupre, James Biggie, Ben Mininberg, Adam Mulcahy, Michael Bracco, Robert De Castro, Ryuji Oguni, Todd Robertson, Adam Connor, Luke Cavangnac, Marianne Plumridge, Bob Eggleton, Jotham Stavely, Boss Brown, Casey Coller & Will Long.