What We Talk about When we Talk about Music
Posted July 23 2015Thursday July 30 7pm
TALK ABOUT MUSIC combines the focus of FOE’s aesthetic series with the improvisation of our Anonymous Q&A events. Five talkers: Henning Ohlenbusch, Holly Sweeney, Steve Waksman, Nicole Shea, and Tom Pappalardo will share stories about music Firsts, Guilty Pleasures and then answer music questions submitted by the audience. Come out and participate! Jot your burning music question on a scrap of paper and stuff it in the skull. Like all lively discussions about aesthetic among friends, we anticipate earnest sharing, teasing, sentimentality, head-shaking, bafflement, wisdom, laughter, beauty and truth. We’ll get started shortly after 7:00p and we’ll hang around to mingle and talk music after the show. There will be a zine accompaniment.